
Monday, 18 June 2012

How to Fix Baby glitches in Sims 3

Click to Enlarge
Some clothing, makeup and accessories are categorized in baby age. This is what causes strange babies, anything from super stretched to strange mixed colours. These files are mostly, but not always categorized to appear when your sim is naked, in career dress and even singed! =)

The way to stop this glitch is to find the guilty files in the launcher, look in the 'installed content' tab. Select and press uninstall. Below are a list of typical ones and I will add more items as I find them. 

Removing the 0x codes stops files being shared. These are able to stick themselves to other wise clean sims you make and share. They are hidden until the next person installs them. This is how you got them, the person who made the sim didn't do it on purpose. 
They are located in the folder: Electronicarts/thesims3/DCbackup

Having trouble finding CC in the Launcher? Click Here









Too hard to pinpoint - will keep trying!

BROWS and MAKE UP: ..........    










    1. I need help. I deleted all of my custom content. Before I did I put my favorite sims on the exchange so I can download just a few sims I made. I was 100 percent sure I wouldn't get glitches anymore. I redownloaded my sims and when I adopted a baby to test it. It was glitchy. When I went in create a sim there was a bunch of hair, accessories, clothing, makeup that were not on any of my sims I have made. And I can't find them in my launcher. Please help!

    2. You need to delete the 0x codes that are associated to the bad cc that is sticking to your sims. Basically the game saves content via the 0x code and those bad ones can stick without being selected. Once deleted, they can no longer be shared.

      So.. install all your sims, delete the correct 0x codes from the ea/sims3/dcbackup folder and then resave them.. they will now be clean.

      In future, you can always check you sims in custard. You will be able to see instantly if any items are saved in the wrong ages and categories. Most of these bad ones are saved in naked/singed/career/ they are easy to see. Like this:

    3. Don't delete ALL the 0x codes because you need them to be able to save the content to sims to share. Just the bad ones.

    4. I have a fix for those of you who deleted your bad files and still have them showing up. After lots of playing with this, and getting very frustrated, I just deleted all my files and left the base sim only. Still had the glitch. I then followed these instructions on this page and created my own "clean" sims (so I could keep my favorite things and get rid of the crap) and uninstalled everything. When I downloaded and installed my clean sims the boots showed up again. I checked everything on this page and in my install page and no glitched items. My guess was that since one of my sims popped up with the hooker boots and I changed his shoes then maybe the corruption was in the sim file itself. I experimented with this and I was right. I left all my installation files on my computer and just deleted the sim file and poof, boots gone. The only thing I lost was the skin and those are free all over the place. Now I also tested my theory by hitting the random button to get the boots on one sim, changed clothes and shoes and deleted. Then started with a game default sim and changed the clothes. My suspicions were correct, the random sim who started with the boots had the glitch again. So, for those of you who can't get rid of those darn glitch files try this fix. I hope it works for you. Blessings.

    5. Monica, a couple of things.

      When you saved 'clean sims' if you make sure you have deleted all the bad CC's Ox codes from the dcbackup folder, you wouldn't have had any on the clean sims.

      ALL custom content is saved via the dcbackup folder. It doesn't save it from the game, cas, downloads folder, none of them. ONLY the dcbackup folder. The boots and other hidden bad cc can stick to your sims without being selected.

      MOST of the time when I've tested, it is related to a custom skin. Take off the custom skin and the bad cc stops sticking. But by far the safest way is deleting the 0x code. No Ox code, no cc EVEN if you dressed your sim in the item, it simply won't save on to a new sim.

      Also.. bad cc can stay in the game if sims in the 'savedsims' folder are wearing it.
      I've now written a follow up post to this one here

      IN future, if you have a sim you love and it's dressed in loads of stuff but has hidden files, just delete THOSE 0x codes, you don't even have to remove the items from the sim. Save it, delete the original (either from CAS or the launcher) then install your new version (its' saved in the exports folder) - This is the quickest and easiest way.

  2. You are...SO f**cking awesome for doing this. Never would have figured it out on my own. Thank you so much.

    The only thing that didnt was the boots? But I'm so relieved all that other stuff is removed, I dont even care. So thanks :)

    1. Glad it helped! I'll be adding more as I find them =)

  3. I need a help!
    That boots, i'm not founding it in the launcher, and I delet it at "DCBackup"... But it still in game! What can I do now?

    1. The only way the code gets into the DC backup folder is when you install custom items - they are just not there otherwise

      I promise you, they are in the Launcher, its just a matter of going very slowly through them, and you will find them - I know it is frustrating, and difficult when you have a lot of custom content but they really are there

      To narrow them down go to installed content, just above you will see some tabs - Select the "Sims" tab - this takes all the patterns and furniture out of your way, so there is less to go through - I wish I could help more, but it really is a case of trawling and trawling until you find them

      Sorry hun, I wish it was better news!
      Let me know how you get on

      ABOUT The DC backup folder --------

      The DC backup folder comes in to play when you share Sims The CC in your game doesn't load from this folder, Custom content loads from the Launcher

      For example if you deleted ALL the DC files, all your CC will still be playable in the game but when you go to share a Sim - it would still have all the pictures of the CC, but when anyone installs it, there are no Custom files with it

      The reason we say to delete certain files from DCbackup is because Some - like these boots - attach themselves to random Sims you make even when they are not wearing them

  4. Replies
    1. Hey! I've found out the problem! Is because I have downloaded a family, and it becomes with the boots! I've uninstalled the family, but the boots is in the game and it isn't in the launcher ): and now?

      Sorry about english :$

    2. Yes. Right. When you install a family ALL the custom files that come with it should show individually in the launcher. The family itself it just a 'saved set of people with the CC on" Removing the family doesn't uninstall the bits it came with.

      Trust me, I've installed families with nothing else in the game, all the files that come with it, show individually in the launcher.

      The only thing I can suggest is video the launcher and just tap down and I will slow it down in movie maker and see if I can see them - OR now you know which family they came with - uninstall everything and reinstall all the good stuff. (IF you do that don't forget to delete the family out of the downloads tab)

      In future try to use Most of what you see on the exchange comes from thesimsresource and is free to download.
      PLUS they have thousands more items to choose from than the exchange :)

    3. Also, if you look at the boots image on this page

      You can see they are labelled "shoes" in the under TYPE (of file) That may help you find them too. Rather than looking for the image, just look for "shoes" - just another way to narrow the search down

  5. Okay, I've been reading every ounce of literature for days on end to get rid of these freaking boots. There's something wrong with my launcher, I've downloaded a heck of a lot of things but hardly any of it is showing up under "installed" and yet, it's all in the game.

    I've searched my entire system for the file name 0x53c8a792708a8503c3af11001586b1b0.package for the boots and ALSO the horsebody is in my game as well! I CANNOT find ANY of them! I've been through the launcher so many times and it's not there. Please, there's got to be something I can do without having to delete everything. I really hate to think I'm going to have to live with this problem forever.

    Seriously, my launcher is broken or something. A crap-ton of files are in the downloads sections, hardly any in "installed" so I guess this method isn't going to work for me...

    There's got to be a way to find out what this file is during game play... there's got to be...

  6. I have the hooker boots issue. I have deleted the 0x file from my computer, I have uninstalled all installed families and deleted them from my game, I have searched for the boots in the launcher in install and downloaded one by one and they are not there, but the hooker boots are still in my game. Is there any other way to get rid of them that I have not tried?

    1. I finally figured out how to rid them completely. I read somewhere to delete the caches after deleting the file or download. I did and it worked! Now I have high heels on my girl sim, but its much better than the hooker

  7. i have the shoes in my game :[ its definatly not in my launcher, i've deleted the 0x code, deleted the cache, and stayed WELL away from the exchange.. i stuck to anubis and tsr but its still there D:

    any ideas?:3

    1. Chloe so sorry I hadn't been checking my comments, some version don't show in the launcher they are attached to Sims.. usually a skin and can't be removed you have to delete the Sim itself. Look at the symbols here:

      Other people are telling me too that if you have tons of CC some can drop off the bottom and not show. I haven't experienced this yet myself and I have 2.30GB of CC I have no idea how many files exactly, but a LOT =)

      What I did before starting this blog was to first remove all known bad codes so they couldn't be attached to new sims, then collected all the clothing and hair I liked (if you use the in-game dresser and mirror you can have 3 outfits and hairstyles for everyday, formal and all of them) You can make up to 8 sims per household. I saved them, deleted everything else and re-installed the good families. It took a good hour or more, but I have four families worth of awesome CC :)

    2. Ps - If you've deleted ALL your Ox codes including the good stuff that method won't work for you because even though your sims will have the thumbnails of the clothing, they won't actually be with the sim.. it will in affect be an empty Sim and the game will dress it in default clothing.

  8. There's another bad CC that is a full outfit that has only an apron and a naked body. All my Sims around town are wearing it and it makes my game look really bad. Thanks for your help with the other CC though!

    -Mary Ann

    1. I have the apron too and I can not get rid of it. It has to be connected to a sim because it is not in the launcher. I went through every item in my launcher one by one.

    2. I've never had it so I dont know what the launcher icon is :(
      But from CAS you can tell if its a launcher file or one attached to a sim by checking the icons - see this page

      Also. If you have over 150 items (or so) other cc drops off the list. You can try deleting accessories and patterns you don't use to see if they will come up on the bottom

  9. Naked bottom and top and horse body appeared in my dcbackup and I deleted them and they still appeared. I carefully went through my installed content and it didn't appear even though the 1st time I had the horse body it was there and I uninstalled it successfully. It back again and I can't find neither of them but I did find af peggyzone streaked 3 times in installed content with no picture and I unistalled it so I hope if that worked. I'll make a comment if it did.

    1. The dcbackup code.. that stops them sticking to your creations that you share. It doesn't take them out the game. Just stops them spreading.

      There's two things you can try.

      Check the savedsims folder and delete anything in there.

      Second, if you have over I think its 150 items they don't show in the launcher they drop off. If this seems to be the case for you, delete accesories and patterns you don't use. Also check your objects tab as lots of lots and objects have been sticking to sims lately. They're not bad bits of cc but, you lose them to get missing items to come back on the launcher list.

      In future, when you install from the exchange. If you got to the installed content tab straight away the files just installed are bunched together at the bottom (sometimes the top) making it easier to spot them.. you know the typical ones, horsebody, nudes, tops.. Let me know how you get on.

    2. Ok, I'll try because my idea didn't work

    3. Ok. Well let me know if you can. One way or another we'll find the solution. :)

    4. I deleted many clothing but it still didn't show up in the launcher... I'm losing hope D:

    5. Don't give up yet!
      Have you checked the 'savedsims' folder?
      Delete any sims in there.

    6. Also.. In Create-a-sim if it has a different logo to the ones on these files in this post let me know

    7. I somehow managed to delete your comment that you found it!
      I'm really pleased you did. What a relief! :)

  10. Now I just have to get rid of the horse and naked top D:

    1. I know its a painstaking task!
      You can narrow it down slightly by using the "sims" tab in the launcher that takes all the patterns and objects out the way The horsebody is in Type as full outfit and the top is labelled top

      Some of the bad cc isnt labelled with a type, those are so annoying because you can only use the "all" tab to find thm

    2. I decided to copy the files of some of my items and then uninstalled my game without saving, reinstalled my game and added the filed but i watched the launcher and deleted the bad cc, thanks for your help

    3. You're welcome Mally, any time :)

  11. The shymoo, Taylor Swift Love Story Tee1, and the New CAS Project are killing me. They are no where to be found in my launcher, but I've found them in my DCBackup folder and they're in my CAS in the game. They totally glitch out my babies and toddlers and stuff. How do I get rid of them completely??

    1. The dcbackup folder is how ALL files good and bad are shared. If there was nothing in there and you created a sim dressed in good or bad CC it would be saved with thumbnail pictures of the clothing but would NOT have the actual clothing. These sticky files add themselves weather your sim is dressed in them or not that's why we all say.. delete them!

      Now.. after about 150 items the rest of your cc will not show in the launcher. You can narrow the search down by selecting the 'sims' tab in the installed content list.

      If this doesn't narrow it enough and they still don't show try deleting patterns, accessories and object you don't use and hopefully they will climb up the list for you to see and delete in the launcher.

      Another thing, but it is time consuming.
      Create families with your custom sims in CAS. You can have 8 sims per family. You don't have to undress the bad CC from them, just take it all out the DCBACKUP folder and all the custom sims will be save minus the bad files.

      You can then either delete all the customs (after saving them) via CAS. You have to completely close the game to delete from the launcher. After you've got rid of them all, go to your EXPORTS folder where all your new saved families are and drag and drop them to the downloads folder and install them.

      I'm currently searching for programmers, looking for someone who can create a program to help us when this happens. Wish me luck!

  12. i'm pretty sure i've deleted them all.. my baby is still invisible and it will cry but i can't click to feed him or anything

    1. That will most likely be the horse body, the nude bottom or nude top. If you haven't already, try the Ox codes that will help you narrow down what you have.

      If you still cannot find them there's a couple things to do.
      After about 150 items things drop off the launcher. Delete any patterns, accessories and object you don't use this helps them come up the list and show in the launcher.

      Also: Check this folder documents/ea/sims3/savedsims.
      If sims in there are wearing the content it will stay in the game even if you uninstalled it via the launcher. Now.. you can just delete them but.. if they are wearing any content that you like with the second file logo on this page

      THAT content will be deleted too. Nothing from the launcher that will be safe, but this type of file gets deleted with the sim.

      If this is the case you have two options.
      If you still have the sims in your downloads folder after deleting from savedsims folder, reinstall them. Immediately after install go to the 'installed content' tab. At the bottom (sometimes the top) all the content just installed will be bunched together. This is you one time chance to remove bad cc. After playing or closing the launcher it all goes random again.

      Option 2. You can try to find that sim in CAS, delete the Ox codes of the bad content and 'share'. It saves to your exports folder. By removing the Ox codes, the bad cc can't be saved with it so its clean now and you can double click to install.

      I know its a bit much info, but its quite simple when you run through it. Let me know how you get on.

    2. With the savedsims part: You can just take them out the folder and put them on the desktop. Run the game if that hasn't fixed it just drag and drop them back to the savedsims folder and they'll work again.

  13. Thank you so very much!! I had so many of these things. I have decided though, no more CC unless it's store bought objects from TS3. You are awesome though...not many people would take the time, out of the goodness of their own heart, to help others with things like this! You're a sweetie! :)

    1. You're welcome and thanks! I'm a sims addict that's why lol :)

      Another good way to get safe free content is TSR but not whole sims. No sticky files that way. Just download them to the downloads folder and install them via the launcher. They are sims3pack just like the exchange.

      It takes longer getting individual things but you can SEE what ages and styles they are categorized in before downloading. I haven't had a ballgown in my gymwear for ages.. :)

      Free clothing

      Free hair

      You get the odd ones that just look crap in the game still. But nothing like the sticky ones that go around.

    thanks so much for doing this, and fair play too you x

  15. I love you so much for this! You helped me so much to get rid of the "bugs". Thank you!!
    But I do have one problem with the horsebody thingy. I finally found it from the launcher but it can't be removed - it says something like "can't be removed because of something, check the log for more information" - however, the log doesn't say anything useful. I really want to get rid of it!

  16. Hi i just kinda start playing sims 3 and i used exchange this help ig but in sorta on the side where i dont wanna do exchange anymore because i dont want those boots i had to really just get another pc and redownload my sims on that but i was woundering when you use exchange and then you have a baby does your baby have the regular skins and other things that it would have meaning like the stuff sims already gave you ??

    1. Hi Lexie,

      These files in this post including the boots attached themselves to the Sim not the clothing it comes with. When you download individual clothing and hair you don't have this issue. On the exchange the individual items are not great.

      I use the sims resource. It doesn't take that long to do, I spend a couple hours doing every time I get bored of what I have. If you chose an item you like, look under the image, it tells you what age it's saved in and what styles, so you can see before you download if its' going to be ok. For example: nobody wants to see a ballgown in their gym-wear.. also teen and young adult clothing are different meshes but the creators often put them in both.

      Free hair - Sizes are toddler, child, then teen through to elder are one size.

      Free Clothing - Sizes are toddler, child, teen, young adult and adult are the same and elder is another

      You can buy a membership to download any item, but to be honest the free sections are HUGE! I do use the exhcange now and then, but what I do is take everything out the game, put the exchange stuff in, clean it, and save the good stuff to sims. Deleted everything the reinstall my stuff plus the new bits.

  17. This has been a big help, thank you so much! I'm still having an issue with bad CC showing up on babies, though. I thought it was definitely the "Night time-Day time everyday shoe" hooker boots but I deleted those in the launcher and deleted the .package file. I also deleted anything else I could find in this post. Do you have any idea what this CC could be? Here's a pic:

    1. Hmm those are boots for sure because of the way they've wrapped themselves on the baby. T-shirts stretch and bottoms go virtually invisible.

      Check the docs/ea/sims3/savedsims folder, if there's any in there move them out of the folder, don't delete in case they have other clothing or hair you like using. If it goes and nothing lost great, but if content you like goes with it.. come back here and I'll tell you what to do (rather than boring you to death now lol)

      It could be another pair of boots too have a look at what you have, they will have a default colour the same as the image shows. Some content may look and play perfectly fine in the game but just be badly categorized.

      I'm 100% certain its footwear and very likely knee high boots. I'm not entirely sure why and how sims get saved in the savedsims folder, but I know that when you unistall content from the launcher and one of those in there is wearing that item, it will stay in the game. Let me know how you get on.

    2. I'd actually already deleted all the Sims in the savedsims folder after reading how many issues arise as the result of downloading custom Sims.

      I think it probably was the "Night time-Day time everyday shoe". After the baby grew into a toddler he was wearing them, despite me deleting them. Is it possible for more than one copy of custom content like those boots to exist in the launcher? I'd downloaded so much CC that not everything was showing up in the launcher. :(

      I decided to just delete everything and reinstall Sims 3. OTL
      Doing that had the added benefit of fixing a glitch I was having with werewolves not being able to transform into their werewolf form. And now I know to be more careful about the CC I download and to check through it every time for these problem CCs. But thank you for the help! This site will continue to be really useful in determining what bad CC I should keep an eye out for.

    3. Well usually if you install the same file twice it only shows once. But I've see the naked files in the different file type, the one with the blue and white icon instead of the sims3pack icon. Those are stuck to the sim and don't show in the launcher.

      But anyway.. At least its all clean now.
      Check the downloads tab when you get content from the exchange as soon as its installed, that's the only time you get to see it, usually bunched at the bottom.

      These sticky hidden files only do this on whole sims. The individual clothing on the exchange is not good. But thesimsresource free sections are huge. You can view how each item is categorized before you download it (even when they are badly categorized) That's what I use most of the time.

      Free clothing
      Free Hair

      All sims3packs (same as exchange)

  18. I want to thank you so much.!! <3 I was so surprised it was my lip gloss. :(

    1. You might find a lipgloss as good here to replace it.. this is the free list and there's loads of them to chose from. When you select one, scroll down under the image and in the details it tells you what ages its' saved in (even when its saved in the wrong ones)

      They are the same file type as the exchange. Just save them to documents/ea/sims3/ downloads. Then open the launcher and you'll see them in the downloads tab. Click and install

  19. I kinda have the same problem with the hooker boots-
    But its a little more complicated.

    I deleted the boots from the installed content and i deleted this code: 0x53c8a792708a8503c3af11001586b1b0.package from the files, But its still in my game? None of my sims are wearing the hooker boots, And my sims babys are perfectly fine apart from they're half normal half brown? But yet im just assuming its the hooker boots thats caused this

    1. Ok, the code doesn't take them out the game. It stops them secretly attaching to new sims you save in the game. They spread by attaching to new sims but they are hidden until someone downloads it and installs.

      To get them out the game you have to find them in the launcher. If you look at this image you'll see they item type is SHOES. This mean you can narrow the search, press the 'sims' tab so only sims items show, no patterns, object etc, and scan the item part for shoes.

      If you still cannot find them, it may because after about 200 items the cc drops off the list. One way to get it up the list is to delete patterns, accessories and objects you never use.

      Also.. If you have sims in the docs/ea/sims3/ savedsims folder, move them out, put them on the desktop. If you uninstall them from the launcher but one of the sims in the savedsims folder is wearing them, they'll still show in the game.

      The reason I say to move them to desktop and not delete, is that sometimes those sims are wearing other content you want to keep.

      If this turns out to be the case, put them back in the folder.. go to premades, find the named sim, and save them. They will be saved to the exports folder MINUS the boots, because you have deleted the code for the boots, they are unsavable now. So what you have is those same sims without the boots.

      Go ahead and delete the ones in the savedsims folder and drag your 'cleaned sims' in to your downloads folder. They will now show up in the downloads TAB of the launcher, select and install.

      Let me know how you get on

  20. Thanks, I'll try this and see what happens

  21. When I go to my launcher, a message pops up asking me if I want to debug and no matter if I click yes or no, it closes the entire launcher. So how can I uninstall the stuff?

    1. I have had that before but a long time ago. I can't remember what I did to get rid of it. But EA will walk you through it.

      Here's live chat, EA support

      Its a pain to get to. This is how..
      Login (top right) use the login detail you use for
      Type sims 3 error in the box click Find solutions.
      Fill in 3 drop-down boxes, click Find solutions.
      Click 'I still need help'
      IGNORE the ask now button, scroll down to the 'chat now' button.

      Basically you have to go through 5 screens to get to chat, but they are super helpful when you get there. I always make sure I moan when I'm in there, and they keep giving me 15% discount codes for my next purchase lol.. Just saying, because worth knowing :)

    2. you simply uninstall it by going through your documents (the library), where all your files are stored : *Click* Documents > Electronic Arts > TS3 > Downloads (folder) > Sort by name > Find its name > Right click > Choose delete!

      That's the only way I'm afraid, but once you got it it's the easiest thing you'll find your self doing - ten thousend times easier than scrolling throughoutly the launcher through each item one by one!

  22. Hey there,
    Thank you so much for your blog ..I have followed instructions to rid of any bad cc but my babies are still being born with black gloves. Their face icon has turned black and has resulted in moving black lines which cover the screen when I'm walking around with them. As toddlers, they have those ghastly black boots. I have searched my computer for those codes and I don't seem to have any of them- I've checked my launcher so many times as well one item at a time. I know I must have some bad CC somewhere, but where! Can anyone help? Thanks!

  23. Can you see the bad cc in create-a-sim?
    Check this page to see what file type it is just in case its not in the launcher itself.. see the files icons here and how to remove -

    Another thing, when you have around 150-200 cc items they don't all show in the list. To get them up the list try deleting patterns, objects and accessories you don't use.

    Also if you have any sims in the ea/sims3/savedsims folder take them out. Don't delete them straight away just in case they are wearing something you like. This could be the problem, if you already sure you uninstalled the boots or anything else still showing after its been uninstalled via the launcher.

    Also.. here is another list of items to check.
    Using the Ox codes at least tells you if you have installed them. Taking out the Ox won't remove them from the game, it just stops them spreading. They can't be saved in any way if the related Ox code is gone.

  24. can you delete all code from the DCBackup?

    1. You can yes. But bare in mind if you want to save any of the cc on to a sim, say like to share or reload in to the game later.. it won't be there.

    2. Just to add to be clear.. deleting the dcbackup files doesn't remove them from the actual game.

  25. This honestly helped so much, especially the other comments with answers!

    Thank you :D

  26. Oh. My. Gosh!!! I've been wondering what has been making my babies, toddlers, and childs so glitchy!! I didn't know what CC it was though and I didn't want to delete the CC I love.. Thank you so much!!♥♥♥

  27. Replies
    1. Okay so I think I've deleted all of my bad CC, but I can't find the camo shirt. Its not in my DCBackup folder or the launcher, but I know I have it because I have a pregnant Sim wearing that shirt:/ And when I try to delete some things from the launcher, it doesn't uninstall: ( Help?

    2. Alrighty so now I've come across a problem.. The camo shirt is still installed, but its not on my DCBackup folder or my launcher. Whenever I try to uninstall some things from the launcher, they won't uninstall. But I'm pretty sure I've deleted the rest of my bad CC, so thank you(:

    3. Yeah I may need to update this article really.
      Ok so, go to documents/ea/sims3/ SavedSims
      If there's sims in there, move them to the desktop. If any are wearing the camo shirt that's why its still showing in the game.

      The reason I say put on desktop instead of deleting is because sometimes those sims are wearing other things you might want to keep. If you notice anything gone.. put them back in, save the bits of content on to another sim (this sim will then show in your exports folder, double click to install) Then go ahead and delete the Savedsims

  28. Thank you soooo so much! You have no idea what the irritation the glitched caused me by those high heeled shoes.. or maybe you do, since you're obviously knowledged about these specific glitches ;)

    Actually, I've known about these glitched since 2010 - not that anyone needed that personal information *caught* (don't wanna re-appear as a newbie, right? lol.) So, I just needed the file name actually, since going through my sims launcher involves over like.. 8000 files (just clothes & sims) *blush* and the scroller to the right isn't eligible nor designed for so many when it comes to the examining search-through. Hopefully the launching platform will be much more advanced in that aspect once they release sims4, I'm to eager to even wait til' september for the newest, upcoming "Into The Future" EP, btw! If you haven't already watched the just released trailer for it, don't wait.. A must for every sims collector out there, it will become a flamboyant sensation for each and every one - a highlighted manifest (I presume! trailer = one in its own singular class)

    Well, I got it and my game is good to go! Thank you once again, so soo much! I bet you're the prime savior in google's selective archieve amongst the distinguishable toppers for all of us unknown about the filename/cause or e.t.c..

    I might just as well start following your blog, very informative I must say and easily interpreted :)

    To add even further : I've been "blessed" by the gods of sims to only encounter one glitch in my newly installed game (for the second time) so far.

    Hihi, talking is my thing if you haven't noticed (excuse my bare soul) ^^'

    Have a very pleasent day, can't thank you enough!

    1. Thanks Jossie
      I just wanted to make the info as simple as possible, there's plenty of pages out there but I found them too technical - until I sorted through it all myself.. that's when I realised.. oh its' actually quite easy! So I'm really pleased to hear you find these pages easy to understand :)

  29. Thank you so much for this! These files have driven me crazy! Thank you!! :)))

    1. Haha, no worries.
      If you use the exchange again, when you install content if you go STRAIGHT to the installed content tab, all the new bits are bunched together at the bottom (sometimes the top) so you have that one chance to quickly scan the content for the known bad ones. It saves a hella lot of time. Once you play the game or shut the launcher, its anyone guess where they are! :)

  30. I deleted the contents on my DCbackup file like instructed but it still showed up on my sims game? How do I get rid of it permanently? I even went back to the DCbackup file and the bad files were gone but somehow still showed up on my game

    1. Just to be clear.. To remove from the game they have to be uninstalled via the launcher. To stop them spreading, remove the RELATED dcbackup file. The ONLY reason we say delete from dcbackup is to stop them spreading. See how they sneaked in via a sim from the exchange? - The person who made those sims did NOT add them. They are able to stick by themselves.

      First check the bad ones you have are the right icon via this page

      You have to find them in the launcher to get them out the game. If you have a lot of content, after about 200 items they drop of the launcher list. One way to get them up the list is to delete patterns, objects and accessories you don't use. If you been downloading off the exchange you'll have plenty of useless items.

      Secondly - check the folder docs/ea/sims3/savedsims
      If the saved sims in this folder are wearing the bad cc it will still show even after uninstalling from the launcher BUT - they may have other files you wish to keep so before you delete them, just place on the desktop and play the game to check nothing you love has gone.

      No worries if it has. Simply pop them back in the savedsims folder, save the items you like on to a new sim, save it.. then go ahead and delete the ones in the saved sims folder.
      Try these things and get back to me if they don't work

    2. The icon on the bottom right of the image is a sims logo, not a folder or a shopping bag so I don't know if that has anything to do with it but I still can't figure out a way to remove it off my game.
      I tried removing everything from my savedsims and the bad cc was still in the game.

      The one I'm most concern with is the naked top and bottom because that makes the baby look really funky.

      You mentioned that I "have to find them in the launcher to get them out of the game" how do I do that?

      Like I said, I checked back on my DCback up to see if the bad cc popped back up and it's didn't but its still on the game.

      Thanks for the respond!

    3. Ahh right ok.
      In the launcher click the installed content tab. (under the play button)
      This will load all the icons of the cc in the game.

      There's no way to search for stuff its' got to be gone through one by one.
      You'll see tabs along the top of this section. They help you narrow it down.

      Some bad customs have no type so you have to view 'all' which is painstaking.
      Luckily the naked ones do, the boots too, I can't remember if the tops are or not.

      Use the 'Sims' tab along the top and this will take out patterns, lots, objects and items with no 'type' from the list to make it easier to find the nudes and others.

    4. That helps so much! thank you! One last thing, I couldn't find the naked bottom so that's still on my game, do you remember what type it was under or the name it could be? I look through it like 5 times and didn't come across it.
      Also, I deleted the boots, white and black, but I guess there's more than one file because it is still on my game. Any ideas about that?

      Other than that, I got rid of the other bad cc so thank you so much!!

    5. Ahh, we are half way there! Phew! :)

      All the bottoms I've ever found have 'bottom' in the type bit. One of them is in colour not blacked out like the two I have in this list look at this image...

      The very first answer I gave you where I talked about the savedsims folder.. that probably didn't make a lot of sense first time around, but try the savedsims folder now.

      And lastly, the other reason they don't show is when you have around 150 items or more they drop off the list. Deleting stuff you don't use, like accessories, objects, lots plenty of objects and houses get stuck to sims now too - not a problem in the game but not a problem to delete either.. lol There's a tab for them under installed content next to the 'sims' tab.

  31. Found your link to the hooker boots and got rid of that as well as the naked bottom! Thank you so so much! The baby is still half colored but it could be because it was born before I deleted the files. Either way, I'm just happy I got rid of all of it! Thank you so much for your help. You rock! (:

  32. I have a really bad problem with the hooker boots, and I desperately need your help. They have been in my game for AGES, like since back when I was new with downloading and used the exchange. Not smart. I've searched and searched the launcher, and have almost given up hope. They are in CAS, but the icon in thecorner (shopping cart, folder) is not there. I am positive that its not a .package folder, because I used sims3 Dashboard by Delphy. Nothing by the looks. I'm working on CUSTARD by Delphy, but it's such a long process and I have a short attention span, so I quit very quickly. I hate the idea of having to live with them, but that seems my only option. PLEASE, PLEASE HELP

    1. Yeah the chances of them showing up in the launcher are not great. Items disappear off the list after around 150-200 customs are installed. There's a couple things to try here. First of all, you say it doesn't have this logo check this page to see if it's the other type (blue and white) in that case you need to delete the actual sims not the individual outfit. All explained on the page:

      Secondly, if any sims in the documents/EA/sims3/savedsims folder are wearing them they'll stay in the game too. Lift out any sims in there and put them on the desktop then try. I'm only saying put them on the desktop (and not delete) in case other content disappears with them that you want to keep. If that IS the case, just put them back in, save the content you want to keep on a new sim (which will then show up in the exports folder - just drag and drop to the downloads or double click to install)

      Lastly, but I suspect you may have too many for this to work AND that they don't have the logo either, they probably aren't in there, but ordinarily, deleting things you don't use, like accessories, patterns. Even check the lots and object tabs because there's a lot of lots and object attached to sims lately.. as you delete, the rest climb up the list and appear on the aluncher.. but really.. I don't think this step is going to help you, it's just a last resort.

      Try those and let me know how you got on.
      It may be you have a version of the file I haven't seen before. Really not come across one without a logo.. yet(!)

    2. Ok, I shall try as instructed. First, the link!

    3. And another thing...
      Here is a link to a photo on flickr of the non-icon on the hooker boots, sorry it's in such bad quality. I'm no photographer, but if you need a better one, just say:

    4. Ahh right ok.
      They don't have the broken ankle. The ones that go around the exchange have a broken ankle in CAS. They look like the pair that come with the base game. The ones that come with the base game wouldn't appear on babies, toddlers and children. They work fine.

      When you create your own CC you open the catalog of clothing that comes with the game and choose one to re-create. (That's how the nudes got out, they are actually from the game, but not visible in CAS)

      These boots are often the default. Meaning most sims are wearing them, but other than that, they work fine. The ones in your game.. are they broken at the ankle when sims wear them and are they appearing on babies, toddlers and children?

      If not.. you are kinda stuck with them. There's no way to take out EA content.
      If they are the broken bad cc ones, the methods above should work, but if they don't come back and I'll find out why.

    5. Ah, thank you. I had no idea they came with the base game. Here I was thinking I had some mutated content that threaded itself into the working of games, haha. That's a relief. But I do have the broken ankle ones, too. It also appears I have a toddler nude bottom I hadn't noticed before >:(
      I'll have to check the toddler icon, but I know the boots have a folder in the corner. So now, as the link you first gave me above, I will go through every pre-made sim. I'll update on my findings.

    6. lol, no worries.
      You can narrow the search if you search them out in the launcher. Their 'type' is shoes, meaning instead of the 'all' tab you can use the 'sims' tab in the installed content section. So it takes out all the patterns, lots and objects and any items with no specified type.

      As I said before though, if you have a lot of cc they can drop off the list. Deleting accessories and other bits you don't use may help get them high enough up so they appear.

      The launcher icon for the baby nude bottoms is the middle one on this page under the first large pic - Same basically but in colour, not blacked out.

    7. Alrighty then.
      I cannot find either on the launcher, I suspect either I have too much CC or they're connected to a family I once downloaded. I actually know of a couple of families that have bad naked CC. I deleted the first, knowing I needed no CC from them. But the other has hair and clothes that I really like. You mentioned something about saving the families to exports and re downloading them. I was wondering if you could give me a step-by-step of how to do that. I'm sure it's simple, but chances are, without your help, that I'll do it wrong and ruin everything. Thanks.

    8. Yes it's quite simple really. Delete all the Bad cc Ox codes from the sims3/dcbackup folder, make sure they are all gone, but the others are still there. Now when you save, even if you dressed a sim entirely in bad cc, it won't be on the sim. Bad cc still show in CAS, but the sims you just saved won't have that CC no more.

      You can either re-save the ones you have after all the bad Ox codes are gone... or create a new sim and dress them up in all the gear you love, or family where you can save up to 8 sims. Don't forget if you 'plan outfit' via the in-game chests of drawers, you can have up to 3 outfits per outfit type.. so 3 everyday, 3 formal and so on.

      Also, I hate to tell you this, but deleting the families or individual sims doesn't get rid of this file type. Only the other (blue and white) file logo-ed ones. All this file type uppack and are individual items in the launcher that have to be selected individually to be deleted.

    9. Ps.. the same goes for hair if you use the mirror in the game. You can have 3 different hairstyles for each of the three everyday wear, each of the 3 formals and so on. That's how I got 15 hairstyles on one sim

    10. Hi, remember me? Well, I just wanted to drop by and tell you that you SAVED MY LIFE. Not gonna lie, I am literally the LAZIEST person in this earth, so this took me seven months to do. I finally decided that I would use all of my inner strength and forced myself to go through the saved sims and get this done. So, I took the easy route, and just deleted them all. Heh. I can always find new CC if I need to. So anyway, I HAVE RIDDEN MYSELF OF UNWANTED HOOKERS (with minor sacrifice) AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU OHMYGOSH *hugs* *kisses* THANK THE GODS FOR YOU!!


  34. THANK GOD. Them hooker boots were driving me insane!

    1. No worries :)
      Listen next time you use the exchange, when you install if you go to the "installed content" tab all the new bits will show at the bottom (sometimes the top) by checking you can see if any bad ones came with them. Once you play the game, or close the launcher, the files go random. So it's always worth just checking the installed content tab as soon as you've installed from the exchange.

  35. I do need to delete the things because they are driving me MAD, but I can't find them in my launcher - I think its assosiated with me downloading a bunch of things from the exchange a while back and thats where it came from. I will have a look at my launcher at the things i'm not familiar at... Incase not how to you delete the 0x codes?

    1. It probably is the exchange yes. To find bad cc not showing in the launcher try this post

      But also, the 0x codes only stop the files from being shared (they stick to sims you create and save, even when the sim isn't wearing them, this is how you got them) - To get the files out the game either find them in the launcher or try the examples shown in the link I gave.

  36. Well I managed to delete the things I could find going through the list and I got everything but the New CAS Project (shirt) I double checked and it wasn't there, so I went and made my sim and it was definetely there! I adopted 2 babies and they were fine but then I went into their CAS and the things seemed to spawn into the CAS! Now I adopted another baby and the glitch is back :/ What should I do?

    1. I've wrote another post on how to find files now showing in the launcher. The launcher has limitation on how much it will show, and the savedsims folder will load files in the game that have been removed from the launcher.. All explained better here -

  37. You are a HERO oh my goodness gracious thank you!

  38. I am having a huge issue with the stripper boots and naked top/bottom.

    I have followed ALL of your instructions. I uninstalled them from the launcher (100%). I deleted the 0x files. I cleared the cache and deleted all of my saved sims, and they are STILL in the game.

    I don't know what to do now other than re-install my game. Pay heed everyone, never EVER touch these items. They are IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of :(

    1. Are all the sims you've downloaded sims3packs? With the shopping bag looking lgo in CAS? Lastly - Have you created a mods folder before? - Is there a chance that you have .package sims that wearing them?

      It's still likely they could be in the launcher. You know when someone colors them or puts another pattern on them.. there can be two in the launcher, one will be the original and look like picture shown, the next will look slightly different. This afternoon I will make one up and post a picture for you to see. That's the very last thing I can think of.

  39. Actually its okay to delete the whole Dcbackup folder, just go to the sims 3 official forum and officials have answered the question that it is safe and wont cause problems. Just DONT delete the CCmerged file and everything should be okay.

    1. Yes you can delete them all. The dcbackup is nothing to do with game play. It doesn't remove files from the actual game.

      When you SAVE a sim, that you then share online, or keep for yourself to reinstall later, all the CC won't be there.

      The reason we all say to delete the bad dcbackup file is because the bad ones can stick to newly created sims but are hidden till installed by the next person. This is how you got them, nobody is doing it on purpose.

  40. thank u!! i was look for the first 4 in my launcher and i couldnt find it but this articled helped thnx!!

  41. I've looked through all my files three times and entered the file names and everything, but the night time/day time boots are still in my game!-.- My babies are still glitchy, only with the black/brown arm. When they change to toddlers, the boots are in the shoes section. Please help, I don't know what to do, I've looked through everything!

    1. When you say you've "Entered the file names" -- I don't know what you mean by this. THere is no way in the launcher to "enter file names" you have to manually go through it until you find them.

      If you are having trouble finding them in the launcher please try this post

    2. By that I meant that I went into the Sims 3 folder under documents on my computer. I copied and pasted the 0x codes and it brought up any of the files under those codes.

    3. Oh I see.. doh :)
      Have you been able to find them in the launcher and get rid of them?

    4. No I haven't. I just uninstalled all of my installed stuff, and just checking as I download new stuff. This site really helps though, thank you so much!(:

  42. hi im having this glitch with my baby i"ve literally tried almost everything and its not my mods i completely remove that in it was still like that and i started up my game and had a baby before i even put in custom content everything was just store content that i bought from the sims 3 store here's a link to how it looks

    1. What's weird about it? Do you mean the eyes and make-up it seems to be wearing?

  43. i only got the weird clothing after i had downloaded a toddler from the exchange. do i just delete that toddler or all of my sims?

    1. Most custom content will be separate from the sim once installed. It will have it's own logo in the launcher. When you look in create-a-sim and see the bad item, if it has the logo that looks a bit like a shopping bag, then you'll find that item in the launcher. You can just delete that one thing and keep the rest. If you delete the sim, it doesn't delete the items that unpacked. You have to manually select them.

      If the bad item has a blue and white logo in create-a-sim, that looks like a folder, then that is attached to the sim and doesn't have a separate file in the launcher or any folders. You have to delete the sim to remove it.

  44. I looked for the 0x codes in my DCbackup, but the codes don't exist. Help?

    1. The codes don't remove the item from the game, they stop the item resticking to sims you create and share. (that's how they move around)

      You have to find the item in the launcher and remove it manually to take it out of the game.

  45. Hi! Thank you so much I'm pretty sure I got off everything that was on the list but will the baby go back to normal after it's all gone?

    1. Yes, basically the game puts default base game clothing on the sim to replace the missing items. You might get a pop-up telling you "some items cannot be found and have been replaced by proxies".

  46. I am writing today because I have a list of possible suspects who are passing on the "Hooker Boot Plague" I have spent well over a whole week now, looking into ANYTHING that could be causing the "baby glitch" in my game! And I am happy to say, perseverance prevails! The glitch is gone! I started in the LAUNCHER- what a waste of my time, I did not realize how much CUSTOM CRAP I have! I deleted some things that sounded fishy- to no avail. Keep in mind I tested after each and EVERY removal- I removed some stuff listed on here, it said New CAS Project- HOPING- nope. I took out the PACKAGES folder- hoping...nope. Removed my HACKS, MISC- Everything! Nope! Then I took out my SAVES (This killed my legacy family! NOW IM OUT FOR BLOOD!) I took out the SAVEDSIMS folder. Tested- Glitch gone! Put in My SAVES folder- Glitch gone. Took it out. Put in the saved Sims folder. Glitch returned. I then went into CAS and Re-Dressed EVERY downloaded sim into EA clothing- Re-Binned and Re-Named them. Exited. Went into the SAVEDSIMS folder and deleted all the original ones that I re-dressed. Then went back in and VOILA! The glitch is gone! And I just decided since my legacy family is dead anyways and I have to START OVER :'( I am going to put each sim in and test it! I will return to update on the name, and LINK of the infamous "Hooker Boot Plague Carrier" STAY TUNED!

  47. I'm Back! I narrowed my search. I can tell you sometime between Dec-January I was infected by THIS sim! Berenice from BTB- she is GORGEOUS in game. Came with some amazing hair- and the dreaded "Hooker Boots" I went into CAS- Re-dressed her, Re-Named Her, and Re-Binned her. Then I deleted the original. I also deleted New CAS Project- its was a ruffled pink shirt and some blue flare jeans in the pic- seems to have done the trick! The Frios have just adopted their 4th baby and not a glitch in sight! GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!! Link -->

    1. I've dressed up some sims, each with 3 outfits per style, plus shoes. All categorized nicely, like no ballgowns and heels in gymwear for example. I have images of the outfits, if you want to take a look and possibly download them, I have them on mediafire, send me an email and I'll send you the images and links - I will make some for the exchange eventually, these have a lot of content from TSR from artists who ask people not to reupload to exchange~

  48. so I'm having the baby boot problem, but the 0x code isn't in my folder. How do I delete the boots? They're not in the installed content tab, either

    1. There are a pair of hooker boots that come with the base game. In create-a-sim the bad boots have a crack through the ankle if you see the boots with no crack in the ankle you're save.

      If you do have them, you can use this page to find items not showing in the launcher -

  49. Are Blondes Collection Bad CC?

    1. If you mean this TSR artist I've downloaded two of her items and they were nicely categorized. If you want to post the links to the things you want, I'll test them for you. Or you can send them to me

  50. No:( But I uninstalled everything on my game, and am just checking as I go and install new stuff. This site helps a lot though, thank you!(:

    1. I have about 4 teens, 3 female adults, 2 kids boy and girl, and a man dressed in great cc clothing from the exchange and tsr. All working perfectly. I've uploaded them to mediafire (I couldnt' put on the exchange because lots of clothing the artists ask not to share on exchange) -- I have pictures of all the outfits on each sim, if you're interested in having a look and possibly downloading them, let me know on

  51. I uninstalled the boots in the launcher and the backup files but the boots are still on my babies. I'm not sure what to do now :(

    1. You need to check the ea/sims3/savedsims folder.
      It's all better explained on this page

  52. Help please D:
    You see i have some cc that i like and to delete the bad cc i have to delete my sims i downloaded but i cant cause alot of my stuck is custom not store content
    should i take the risk :'(
    or just leave it???
    I cant find the stuff in my content folder and its really annoying me but yet its sc(storecontent)

    1. Not all custom files get deleted with the sim. Only the ones with the blue and white logo - see this image

      If the files you want to keep are the blue and white.. you can create a new sim, dress them in the outfits and hair and whatever else you want to keep. Then save them. They'll be in the sims3/exports folder just double click to install -- remember also if you take the sim into the game, go to the chest of drawers and 'plan outfit' you can add three outfits per style....3 everyday, 3 formal.. and so on.. including hairstyles for each via the mirror.

      If you like, you can then send the sims you made to me, and I will check them in custard.. if they have any bad cc attached, I'll remove it, resave them and send them back to you. My email is - if they are too large to send in email, upload them to - its free.

      I also have a lot of sims in really good cc, I can send you the images off all the outfits on each and if you like them I'll send you the mediafire link to download them.

  53. Hi, first of all, thanks for your help. I really love you, thanks to you my babies will stop looking like brown line and monsters, you did great. I can finally enjoy my game again :D Btw im not pretty sure, but you should analyze these slippers there, or there
    I just deleted them, but it happened to me twice to see them on my children and toddlers, while they are only for adults. So my children/toddlers looks like nothing with those ugg slippers who make them big feets! But i guess was my fault, i downloading this while it was an old link, didnt think it would cause a problem. Maybe it was only my game, and it wont bothers others in their game, but still. Thanks again for what you've done!

    1. Yep if you look at the TSR link, then look below the image, it says AGE: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder

      This creator hasn't realized the game doesnt automatically re-size items for you. There are separate meshes for all of these ages except young adult and adult. Those are the only two meshes that are close enough to have CC on each without graphic errors.

      It's the reason behind most bad cc
      Luckily this wasn't saved in 'Naked or singed. So it won't travel out of your game, hiding on new sims you've created.

      It might find it's way on to the exchange, if any simmers have played it, and not yet noticed the graphic errors.

      I could honestly spend years of my life going through TSR's problem content. But instead I try to steer people in to looking carefully before downloading. I learnt the long way around too, but thankfully TSR have always shown the correct categories, even when they're wrong :)

  54. I searched in my launcher, I searched on my computer for the file for the 'Everyday Night time-Day time everyday shoes' (boots) and I searched in my Sims3 Dashboard but it's still there! What do I do? :(

    1. You won't find it on your pc by the name.
      Have you looked inside your ..documents/ea/sims3/SavedSims folder? It could one of the sims in that folder is wearing the boots. Remove them from the folder then look in Create-a-sim.

      Also, there is suppose to be a pair of these boots in the game. The bad ones have a broken ankle in create-a-sim list. Just mentioning this because I had this before with someone~

    2. I know about the broken ankle, I also had a look in the SavedSims folder last night.

      I read somewhere that you can also make new Sims, put the stuff you want to keep on them and save them.

      Or do I have to remove the current ones from the folder and THEN start the game, as you're saying.

    3. Yes you can, but you have to make sure you don't have any bad 0x codes left in the dcbackup folder. They can stick to the new sims you create.

      However, when you make a new one, you can simply open it in custard.. then you can very easily see and files saved in naked/singed/ or if they're in toddler and teen... teen and elder.. that sort of thing. Look at the code, search the code on pc, delete it RESAVE the sim, now it won't have whatever codes you deleted.

      What exactly are you after because I made a truck load of sims covered in really good cc, I have them on media fire, and I still have the pictures of all the outfits per sim. I have adult, teens and kids male and female. Not got around to doing toddlers yet. - Or elders.

      IF you like I can email you the images and links and you can download them any time then. Might save you a lot of time if you're planning to collect the stuff you like and start over. Just drop an email to and I'll send them to you, if you'd like.

      Lastly.., have individual items, (bad cc sticks to the sims, not the items themselves) - they actually have the style and age categories below the image -- even when they are wrongly categorized, like adult clothing saved in toddler size (spidery graphics) - Thats why I love it, its' hard to go wrong.

  55. OMG. Thank you so much!!!!!!

  56. Helloooo,
    So I recently started playing sims3 again and yesterday I installed some cc (skin, eyes, make-up, hairdos etc.)
    And when I went into CS it worked fine for teens and older but the toddlers and children had really weird streaky skin on their face, even if i wasn't using any custom content on that specific sim.
    Is there any way I can find out which cc is causing this?

    Thank you

    1. Yeah, each age has a separate 'mesh'. Which means on other ages meshes (except young adult and adult which are the same) - the graphics become distorted. So that's why it happens.

      There's a program called 'custard' when you open files in there (can only open one at a time) it looks like this image -

      The ages are listed as b = baby, p = preschool, c = child.. and so on up to e for elder. If you see you file has all or most of them, and it's fairly small file in size, it's could be the one or one's. :) --- Sometimes creators add all mesh sizes to the file, when they have that file is notably larger than the average brow, mascara or whatever.

      If you download from thesimsresource, under the image, it actually tells you all the ages and style categories it's saved to. Try to avoid anything with multiple ages, except young adult and adult, as they're the same mesh size.

      If you still have the links of the files and there's not thousands of them, you can send them to me, and I'll test them for you, tell you which ones to delete.

    2. Sorry forgot to put the imagelink in.. lol

  57. Great article. I almost puked looking at my baby when I saw some strange shit I downloaded was on there xD

  58. Wow!! Thank you so much! It was stressing me out xD
    You're great!x

  59. Thanks so much, I hated my kids being all weird XD but still thank you :)

  60. I really apreciate this, thank you

  61. Thanks! At first I deleted every 0x file and my game didn't work D: Then I took the time to copy and paste the files into the search and then delete them, Thank you so much!

  62. i just found your page and i thank you so much for posting it help!

  63. It worked! Babies and toddlers have normal limbs again. Thank you

  64. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together! Those annoying hooker boots were applying as the default shoe for both men and babies, creating terrifying children and laughable men, and the top/bottom nude skin and that stupid vampire shirt were wreaking havoc similarly. I had half-naked Sims running around town. It broke any sort of immersion and ruined pre-designed outfits as it overwrote many of them.

    TREMENDOUSLY helpful! Several years later your post is still saving the day. Cheers to you!!
